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why donate to OUSV?

The Oxford University Society in Victoria welcomes donations small or large to enable us to provide greater value to our members and to prospective students of the University. The Society does not currently meet the ATO's criteria of 'deductible gift recipient' . Nevertheless we do provide ad hoc support to students who have an interest in studying at Oxford and we also run an annual freshers event for those who are about to undertake studies at the University.

The activities and administration of the Society is undertaken exclusively by unpaid volunteer alumni. Subscription revenue covers the main administration costs. However, additional donations support the Society's ongoing activities in many ways including

  • Meeting the catering costs for guest speakers
  • Subsidising  special events that might otherwise be deemed too expensive by some members
  • Corporate memberships of other associations
  • One-off costs for specific projects 

To make a donation, simply specify the amount below together with any notes about your gift and click the 'pay' button. Once payment is complete an email receipt will be sent to the email address in your OUSV profile.

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*Last name
*Amount ($AUD)
 Payment frequency

The Oxford University Society in Victoria Inc.

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